Author Topic: Intel® Tamper Protection Toolkit  (Read 406 times)


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Intel® Tamper Protection Toolkit
« on: January 29, 2016, 05:33:48 PM »
Novy protector od Intelu, kto pozna lepsie CPU features, ako oni? ;-)

Protects code against reverse engineering

* The obfuscating compiler will transform Windows executables into encrypted binaries that will run on any Intel platform without the need of special loaders.
* Code remains encrypted on disk and in memory. Only the code within a narrow execution window is decrypted so that Intellectual Property is protected during the majority of the process lifecycle.
* Creates a run-time software protected environment where sensitive operations such as anti-debug, anti-piracy, tamper detection, and application-specific work can be performed.

Protects assets such as keys and passwords that are contained in code
* Assets contained in code such as keys, credentials, and intellectual property are protected in similar fashion to the code.
* Usage of assets within the software protected environment has greater protection than operations in the clear.

Monitors code for tampering
* An executable’s measurements taken during build time can be checked throughout the process lifecycle.
* Modification of the executable either on disk or in memory will be detected during process run-time.
* Monitoring within the software protected environment, tamper detection can be done without interference.

Kockatá hlava

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Re: Intel® Tamper Protection Toolkit
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2016, 10:43:42 PM »
Je to zajimavy uz jenom proto, ze to dela Intel. Jeste jsem nevidel ani to video, ale urcite to budu zkoumat. Co rikate, ze bysme na tom delali nejak spolecne? Mel bych diky tomu vetsi motivaci se do toho pustit.

Pokud jste nekdo uz neco zjistil, dejte vedet.

Kockatá hlava

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Re: Intel® Tamper Protection Toolkit
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2016, 01:12:10 PM »
Ohledně toho obfuskátoru je všechno důležitý popsaný tady:

Dá se to celkem snadno vyzkoušet, ta obfuskace je na první pohled celkem pěkná. Jeden člověk píše na fóru, že vytvořil deobfuskátor:

Ten "obfuscating compiler" by byl zajímavější, ale nikde ho v tom toolkitu nevidím. Možná je teprve ve stádiu příprav.